Class: AttributeType

$k. AttributeType

new $k.AttributeType()

Represents a type of attributes




adds the language to the set of possible translations for this attribute

Type Description

If an invalid language was specified


If no write transaction is active

elementAtValue(value, language) : $k.SemanticElement

Returns the semantic element with an attribute of this type with the specified value, or undefined if there is either no such attribute or more than one

Name Type Description
value object

The value to search for

language string optional

Internal Error: no text for this language or unsupported language

Type Description

If the value is not in the range of allowed values of the attribute

Type Description

elementsAtValue(value, language) : Array.<$k.SemanticElement>

Returns all semantic elements with attributes of this types with the specified value

Name Type Description
value object

The value to search for

language string optional

Internal Error: no text for this language or unsupported language

Type Description

If the value is not in the range of allowed values of the attribute

Type Description

hasTranslatedValues() : boolean

True if the attributes have translated values

Type Description

translatedLanguages() : Array.<string>

Returns the possible translated languages as 3-letter codes (ISO639 2b).
Empty if the attribute is not translated

Type Description

valueRange() : $k.ValueRange

Returns the range of the values of the attributes

Type Description

Intherited methods

addSupertype(type), allInstances(), allowsMultipleOccurrences(), allSubtypes(), allSupertypes(), attribute(type), attributes(type), attributeValue(type, language), attributeValueString(type, language), callBehaviour(method, args), canCreateExtensions(), canCreateInstances(), changeLog(), core(), createAttribute(type, value, language), createAttributeFromString(type, valueString, language), createRelation(type, target, inverse), definedDomains(), domain(), domains(), element(), ensureAttributeValue(type, value, language), ensureRelationTarget(type, target, inverse), estimatedNumberOfInstances(), getCounter(), hasPossibleAttribute(type), hasPossibleRelation(type), icon(size, language), iconAttribute(size, language), idNumber(), idString(), increaseCounter(), inheritedAttribute(type), inheritedAttributeValue(type, language), instances(), internalName(), isAbstract(), isInvalid(), isKindOf(type), kPathEvaluate(pathString), locatorString(locatorTypes), modificationNumber(), name(language), numberOfInstances(), possibleProperties(filter), primaryCore(), properties(filter), relation(type), relations(type), relationTarget(type), relationTargets(type), remove(), removeProperties(filter), removeSupertype(), render(context, keyFilter, detailFilter), renderJSON(context, excludedKeys, detailFilter), renderTemplate(template, entity, conversion, variables), schemaReportOn(), setAttributeFromString(type, valueString, language), setAttributeValue(type, value, language), setCanCreateExtensions(canCreate), setCanCreateInstances(canCreate), setCounter(counterValue), setInternalName(name), setName(name, language), setRelationTarget(type, target, inverse), subtypes(), supertypes(), type(), typeDomain(), updateMapping()