Class: ApplicationConfiguration

$k. ApplicationConfiguration

new $k.ApplicationConfiguration()

Configuration of an application



static$k.ApplicationConfiguration.from(configurationElement) : $k.ViewConfiguration

Returns the application confguration defined by the element

Name Type Description
configurationElement $k.SemanticElement

The application configuration element (use semantic element, identifier oder element id)

  • 4.4.0
Type Description

panelContents(elementOrObject, keyFilter, detailFilter) : object

Render the panel contents as a literal object

Name Type Description
elementOrObject object optional

one of: a) semantic element that should be used as start object b) a PanelActivationContext to be used as start configuration

keyFilter object optional

Alternative 1: An array of strings defining a filter which property names to include.

Alternative 2: An object with "include" and/or "exclude" keys

{"exclude": ["key1", ...]}
includes all but the listed properties, while
{"include": ["key1", ...]}
["key1", ...]
includes only the listed properties.

Non-optional properties are always included

Alternative 3: A JSONRenderContext

detailFilter object optional

A filter to define the granularity of the JSON structure

[ "schema" ]
includes json with schema information

  • 4.4.0
Type Description
object The panel contents

render(keyFilter, detailFilter) : object

Render panels as a literal object

Name Type Description
keyFilter object optional

Alternative 1: An array of strings defining a filter which property names to include.

Alternative 2: An object with "include" and/or "exclude" keys

{"exclude": ["key1", ...]}
includes all but the listed properties, while
{"include": ["key1", ...]}
["key1", ...]
includes only the listed properties.

Non-optional properties are always included

Alternative 3: A JSONRenderContext

detailFilter object optional

A filter to define the granularity of the JSON structure

[ "schema" ]
includes json with schema information

  • 4.4.0
Type Description
object The rendered object