1 /*global $k*/
  3 /**
  4  * @class Configuration of a topic editor
  5  * @extends $k.AbstractEditorConfiguration
  6 **/
  7 $k.ViewConfiguration = function() { };
  9 /**
 10  * Render the element as a literal object
 11  *
 12  * @function
 13  * @param {$k.SemanticElement} semanticElement
 14  * @param {object} [keyFilter] A filter that defines which property names that are included. 
 15  *		<pre class="code">{"exclude": ["key1", ...]}</pre> includes all but the listed properties, while <pre class="code">{"include": ["key1", ...]}</pre> or <pre class="code">["key1", ...]</pre> includes only the listed properties. 
 16  *		<br/>Non-optional properties are always included
 17  * @returns {object} The rendered object
 18  * @see $k.ViewConfiguration#synchronize
 19 **/
 20 $k.ViewConfiguration.prototype.render = function(semanticElement, keyFilter) { };
 22 /**
 23  * Render the element as a JavaScript object
 24  *
 25  * @function
 26  * @deprecated Use <code>render(semanticElement, {"exclude": excludedKeys})</code> instead
 27  * @param {$k.SemanticElement} semanticElement
 28  * @param {string[]} [excludeKeys] Collection of property names that are excluded
 29  * @returns {object} The rendered JSON object
 30 **/
 31 $k.ViewConfiguration.prototype.renderJSON = function(semanticElement, excludeKeys) { };
 33 /**
 34  * Returns the configuration for the semantic element
 35  *
 36  * @function
 37  * @param {$k.SemanticElement} semanticElement
 38  * @param {$k.SemanticElement} [context] Context of the configuration
 39  * @returns {object} The rendered JSON object
 40 **/
 41 $k.ViewConfiguration.forElement = function(semanticElement, context) { };
 43 /**
 44  * Returns the confguration defined by the element
 45  *
 46  * @function
 47  * @param {$k.SemanticElement} configurationElement The configuration element
 48  * @returns {$k.ViewConfiguration}
 49 **/
 50 $k.ViewConfiguration.from = function(configurationElement) { };
 52 /**
 53  * Update the semantic element from the JSON string / literal object
 54  *
 55  * @function
 56  * @param {object} object JSON string or literal object
 57  * @returns {$k.ViewConfiguration}
 58  * @throws {$k.exception.SchemaError} Got an synchronisation error
 59  * @see $k.ViewConfiguration#render
 60 **/
 61 $k.ViewConfiguration.synchronize = function(object) { };
 63 /**
 64  * Update the semantic element from the JSON string / literal object
 65  *
 66  * @function
 67  * @deprecated Use <code>synchronize(jsonObject)</code>
 68  * @param {object} jsonObject JSON string or literal object
 69  * @returns {$k.ViewConfiguration}
 70  * @throws {$k.exception.SchemaError} Got an synchronisation error
 71 **/
 72 $k.ViewConfiguration.synchronizeJSON = function(jsonObject) { };