1 /*global $k*/
  3 /**
  4  * @class Represents the value range of an attribute type
  5 **/
  6 $k.ValueRange = function() { };
  8 /**
  9  * Parse the string representation and returns the converted value
 10  *
 11  * @function
 12  * @param {string} string The string represantation of the value that should be set.
 13  * @param {string} [language] Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used.
 14  * Ignored if the attribute is not translated
 15  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidValue} If the string is not in the range of allowed values of the attribute
 16  * @returns The converted value
 17 **/
 18 $k.ValueRange.prototype.parse = function(string, language) { };
 20 /**
 21  * Returns the string representation of the value
 22  *
 23  * @function
 24  * @param {string} value The value that should be converted
 25  * @param {string} [language] Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used.
 26  * Ignored if the attribute is not translated
 27  * @returns {string}
 28  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidValue} If the value is not in the range of allowed values of the attribute
 29 **/
 30 $k.ValueRange.prototype.valueToString = function(value, language) { };
 32 /**
 33  * Returns a string describing the value type.<p>One of
 34  * <ul>
 35  * <li>blob</li>
 36  * <li>boolean</li>
 37  * <li>choice</li>
 38  * <li>color</li>
 39  * <li>container</li>
 40  * <li>date</li>
 41  * <li>dateAndTime</li>
 42  * <li>flexTime</li>
 43  * <li>float</li>
 44  * <li>geoPosition</li>
 45  * <li>integer</li>
 46  * <li>interval</li>
 47  * <li>password</li>
 48  * <li>registyEntry</li>
 49  * <li>string</li>
 50  * <li>time</li>
 51  * <li>translatedAttribute</li>
 52  * <li>translation</li>
 53  * <li>url</li>
 54  * 
 55  * </ul>
 56  * 
 57  *
 58  * @function
 59  * @returns {string}
 60 **/
 61 $k.ValueRange.prototype.valueType = function() { };