1 /*global $k*/
  3 /**
  4  * @class A single connection to a HTTP server.
  5 **/
  6 $k.HttpConnection = function() { };
  8 /**
  9  * Sends the requests and returns a reponse
 10  * <p/>
 11  * Only HTTP(S) requests are allowed. If the URI uses another protocol (e.g. 'file'), then an URIError is raised.
 12  * <p/>
 13  * It is possible to restrict the domains that can be accessed by adding the following to the configuration file of a client (bridge etc.):
 14  * <pre><code>
 15  * [script]
 16  * allowedOutgoingDomains=*.intelligent-views.com,ivinternal:8080
 17  * </code></pre>
 18  * 
 19  *
 20  * @function
 21  * @param {$k.HttpRequest} request
 22  * @returns {$k.HttpResponse} The response for the request
 23  * @throws {$k.exception.HttpError} If no response was received (timeout etc.)
 24  * @throws {URIError} If the URI is not allowed
 25 **/
 26 $k.HttpConnection.prototype.getResponse = function(request) { };