1 /*global $k*/
  3 /**
  4  * @class The value of a blob attribute.
  5 **/
  6 $k.Blob = function() { };
  8 /**
  9  * Returns the blob bytes as base 64 encoded string
 10  *
 11  * @function
 12  * @returns {string}
 13 **/
 14 $k.Blob.prototype.base64String = function() { };
 16 /**
 17  * Converts the image to another media type
 18  *
 19  * @function
 20  * @param {string} mediaType The media type of the converted image
 21  * @returns {$k.NetEntity} The converted image
 22  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidValue} If the image could not be converted
 23 **/
 24 $k.Blob.prototype.convertImage = function(mediaType) { };
 26 /**
 27  * Create a thumbnail with the specified maxium dimensions. The aspect ratio is preserved.
 28  * Width or height can be undefined, but not both.
 29  * The media type is optional and specifies the image type of the thumbnail.
 30  * If not defined, the thumbnail will have the same type as the original image.
 31  *
 32  * @function
 33  * @param {number} width The maximum width of the thumbnail
 34  * @param {number} height The maximum height of the thumbnail
 35  * @param {string} [mediaType] The media type of the converted image
 36  * @returns {$k.NetEntity} The converted image
 37  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidValue} If the image could not be converted
 38 **/
 39 $k.Blob.prototype.createThumbnail = function(width, height, mediaType) { };
 41 /**
 42  * Returns the blob bytes as a data URL
 43  *
 44  * @function
 45  * @returns {string}
 46  * @see http://dataurl.net/#about
 47 **/
 48 $k.Blob.prototype.dataUrl = function() { };
 50 /**
 51  * Returns true if the values are equal
 52  *
 53  * @function
 54  * @returns {boolean}
 55 **/
 56 $k.Blob.prototype.equals = function(value) { };
 58 /**
 59  * Returns the extension of the filename of the blob, without dot
 60  *
 61  * @function
 62  * @returns {string}
 63 **/
 64 $k.Blob.prototype.fileExtension = function() { };
 66 /**
 67  * Returns the filename of the blob
 68  *
 69  * @function
 70  * @returns {string}
 71 **/
 72 $k.Blob.prototype.filename = function() { };
 74 /**
 75  * Returns the language of the blob, or undefined if not translated
 76  *
 77  * @function
 78  * @returns {string}
 79 **/
 80 $k.Blob.prototype.language = function() { };
 82 /**
 83  * Returns a string that identifies the blob. Can be used to get the blob contents from the blob REST service
 84  *
 85  * @function
 86  * @returns {string}
 87 **/
 88 $k.Blob.prototype.locator = function() { };
 90 /**
 91  * Returns the mime type of the blob
 92  *
 93  * @function
 94  * @returns {string}
 95 **/
 96 $k.Blob.prototype.mimeType = function() { };
 98 /**
 99  * Returns the byte size of the blob
100  *
101  * @function
102  * @returns {number}
103 **/
104 $k.Blob.prototype.size = function() { };
106 /**
107  * Returns the blob bytes as string
108  *
109  * @function
110  * @param {string} charset Charset of the characters. UTF-8 if undefined
111  * @returns {string}
112 **/
113 $k.Blob.prototype.text = function(charset) { };
115 /**
116  * Creates a NetEntity from this blob
117  *
118  * @function
119  * @returns {$k.NetEntity}
120 **/
121 $k.Blob.prototype.toNetEntity = function() { };