1 /*global $k*/
  3 /**
  4  * @class Represents an attribute.
  5  * @extends $k.Property
  6 **/
  7 $k.Attribute = function() { };
  9 /**
 10  * True if the attribute has translated values
 11  *
 12  * @function
 13  * @returns {boolean}
 14 **/
 15 $k.Attribute.prototype.hasTranslatedValues = function() { };
 17 /**
 18  * Removes the translated value for the language
 19  *
 20  * @function
 21  * @param {string} language Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used
 22  * @returns {$k.Attribute} The attribute itself
 23  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidLanguage} If an invalid language was specified
 24  * @throws {$k.exception.RemoveNotPossible} If the language cannot be removed, because it is the last remaining translation
 25  * @throws {$k.exception.TransactionError} If no write transaction is active
 26 **/
 27 $k.Attribute.prototype.removeTranslation = function(language) { };
 29 /**
 30  * Sets the value of the attribute
 31  *
 32  * @function
 33  * @param value The value that should be set.
 34  * @param {string} [language] Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used.
 35  * Ignored if the attribute is not translated
 36  * @returns {$k.Attribute} The attribute
 37  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidValue} If the value is not in the range of allowed values of the attribute
 38  * @throws {$k.exception.AccessDenied} If modifying is not allowed
 39  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidLanguage} If an invalid language was specified
 40  * @throws {$k.exception.TransactionError} If no write transaction is active
 41 **/
 42 $k.Attribute.prototype.setValue = function(value, language) { };
 44 /**
 45  * Sets the value of the attribute from the string representation
 46  *
 47  * @function
 48  * @param {string} string The string represantation of the value that should be set.
 49  * @param {string} [language] Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used.
 50  * Ignored if the attribute is not translated
 51  * @returns {$k.Attribute} The attribute
 52  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidValue} If the string is not in the range of allowed values of the attribute
 53  * @throws {$k.exception.AccessDenied} If modifying is not allowed
 54  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidLanguage} If an invalid language was specified
 55  * @throws {$k.exception.TransactionError} If no write transaction is active
 56 **/
 57 $k.Attribute.prototype.setValueString = function(string, language) { };
 59 /**
 60  * Returns the translated languages as 3-letter codes (ISO639 2b).
 61  * Empty if the attribute is not translated
 62  *
 63  * @function
 64  * @returns {string[]}
 65 **/
 66 $k.Attribute.prototype.translatedLanguages = function() { };
 68 /**
 69  * Returns the value of the attribute
 70  *
 71  * @function
 72  * @param {string} [language] Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used.
 73  * Ignored if the attribute is not translated
 74  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidLanguage} If an invalid language was specified
 75  * @returns The value of the attribute. The type depends on the type of the attribute.
 76 **/
 77 $k.Attribute.prototype.value = function(language) { };
 79 /**
 80  * Returns the range of the values of the attribute
 81  *
 82  * @function
 83  * @returns {$k.ValueRange}
 84 **/
 85 $k.Attribute.prototype.valueRange = function() { };
 87 /**
 88  * Returns the string representation of the value of the attribute
 89  *
 90  * @function
 91  * @param {string} [language] Language of the value. If not defined, the current language will be used.
 92  * Ignored if the attribute is not translated
 93  * @throws {$k.exception.InvalidLanguage} If an invalid language was specified
 94  * @returns {string}
 95 **/
 96 $k.Attribute.prototype.valueString = function(language) { };